Please visit our New Merchants page.
This does not apply to new merchants.
Merchants without a working email address should contact the Merchant Office to request a paper merchant application.
Merchants with a working email address will receive an email invitation in February to apply online.
If you have not received your email invitation or mailed merchant packet by mid-February, please e-mail the Merchant Office at
Please contact Cindy:
Packages will be received starting Monday, July 28, 2025. Packages arriving before that date will be turned away. This service is provided to merchants and campers. Perishables will not be accepted.
All packages should be addressed as follows:
Your merchant business name OR Legal name & encampment locationPlease read the information in the rules and regulations sheet for deliveries.
No, gate fees are separate and paid on arrival at Pennsic. To pre-register for Pennsic go to the Pennsic Registration Office.